Test PDP Contact Form
{% if section.settings.title != blank %}
{% endif %}
{{ section.settings.title }}
{%- assign form_id = 'contact-' | append: section.id -%}
{% form 'contact', id: form_id %}
{% if form.posted_successfully? %}
{% if section.settings.show_phone %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %}
Remove the following three lines of code to remove the note
about being protected by Google's reCAPTCHA service.
By removing it, the small reCAPTCHA widget will appear in the
bottom right corner of the page.
{% endcomment %}
{{ 'shopify.online_store.spam_detection.disclaimer_html' | t }}
{% endform %}
{{ 'contact.form.post_success' | t }}
{% endif %} {{ form.errors | default_errors }}